About Us

This project started in October of 2017 With embroidery classes that initially taught in the house of culture of Cacahoatán, this is how the idea of promoting the teaching of embroidery arose, we discovered that there are many ladies who know how to embroider and few give it today. importance, in the following classes we saw that in some families the boy or girl sees embroidering to mom and also they are interested in this art, today three baron children are active and very enthusiastic,

Today we have taken this project a step forward and we are not only creating a community of embroiderers but also creating a source of income for the families that participate in this project.


The experiences of Chiapas With love are unique, the objective is to show a renewed perspective of tourism in Chiapas and in the southern area of the state.


They have printed the techniques of generations, each product has a history and we want you to be part of it.


Our objective is also committed to supporting producers, artisans, businesses and local companies, here you can learn more about them.

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